Saturday, October 5, 2024

My 2024 Summer Project

This beautiful 1926 Raleigh Roadster came to me by way of a friends referral. I have been known for quite a while to have a love for Pre-War Raleighs, so when I was told about it being available, I said that I was very interested. A friend of s friend, Ryan called and told me enough for me to say Yes. "Bring it over and I will give you an extra $50 for doing so.
After a few texts back and forth, we pined a date to get together at my house and me buy the bike. Ryan showed exactly on time and as he rolled the bike into my barn, I handed him the cash. We had agreed on the price and I was happy to have the bike.
It was all there. the only thing that didn't look original were the grips and the tires. It wasn't rusty, but had not been cleaned or polished for a very long time. Badly oxidized paint and a baked on grease it places that would. be impossible to get to with dismantling the bike first.
The numbers on the hib proved that the bike was built not before 1926.
The story with the bikes past is that it had been brought overseas years ago by a Gent and after passing away, aquired by his wife. Im not sure how long it sat before she sold it, but it seems that l might be the 3rd owner. Raleighs before the 1930's are rare here in the United States. The Raleigh only started being imported with Raleigh of America around 1932.
The bike had been ridden. The rubber blocks from the pedals show that. Kept in OK shape, it is clear the bike was never left outside for any length of time. What a always do when I get a new Raleigh is dismantle it and clean and polish I know enough to never repaint the frame, but have touched up spots. This bike was different. I gave it some thought and figured it might be best to just leave it alone. After about 2 weeks, I just started taking it apart. It was really dirty and there were places that I never could have gotten to without removing parts first.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

If you dont know her, You should.

Cold Hands , Warm Hearts.

This years Fall ride was late. We have had later in the year and should know better. We did try to do the get together a month earlyer, but rain cancelled the ride. For years it had been on or around Veterans Day, but this year it wasn't going to work.
The weather was cold and windy. 30° wind gusting to 40mph! A hearty group formed at the South Natick Dam Park for Hot Tea and Scones.
Only a 5.8 mile ride of the best Sothern New England beauty, 9 riders with antique Raleigh bicycles assembled at Noon and headed out around 12:45.
We had a halfway stop at Vangarden CSA in dover where we stopped for Old Speckled Hen, an English Ale and a warm up in a greenhouse by the fire.
A bit smokey for most, outside in the sun with the wind block of the hoop house and hay, the group had a nice break of drink and story.
Back on the road for an all up hill ride to lunch at "Lookout Farm".
Much thanks to Bob Jones for supplying a huge spread of snacks at the start. A huge success, everyone told me that they can't wait for next year. (hopefully a little earlier!)

Back Again!

Well Hello! Here we are again! Its been a while since I have posted as Im sure you know. Facebook has taken over my posting time, but why dont do both?
Noverber 20th 2022

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Veterans Day Ride 2018

38th annual Veterans Day Ride. Sunday November 11th. 12:00 pm 5 Main Street, Dover, Ma.

In Memory of our good friend Jack Demarest. Show and Go. Short scenic ride. Period clothing and Vintage bikes ONLY! Bring what you want to drink. Food over the fire after the ride back at the house. Questions, email me at the address to the right

Jack out in front as usual

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Where is the Veterans Day Ride?

At the Medfield State Hospital, Hospital Road, Medfield, Ma. On November 13th at 11:00 am.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Favorite Spots

Over the next couple of weeks, I will be posting photos here of my favorite photo spots for my Raleighs. Please comment below.

South Natick Dam

Babson College and the Babson Globe

The Medfield State Hospital grounds

The Falls at Red Wing Bay, Dover, Ma.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

My Raleigh Model 21

For years the best way to find an old Raleigh was in a weekly magazine called "The Want Advertiser" The Want Ad as it was known hit the news stands around 6:30am. All the really good deals were sold by 8:00am so if you really wanted a real "find" you would need to be there when it first arrived.
My favorite spot back in the early 70's was the little mini market in Wellesley Hills next to the Maugus Restaurant.

I would ride to the Maugus, order breakfast and wait for the delivery truck to arrive. There was a phone on the back wall back then, that I could call and ask the proper questions to see if the bike was worth riding to buy.

The ad above, as simple as it is, was proof enough that this bike was for me.
I called the number and when the women answered, I simply said, I want to buy your bike and come and get it now.
She told me that she was going out, but would be returning to the house around 3:00 and would hold it for me because I was the first caller.
I told her that the bike was very important to me and made up a story why. I asked if I could come over and wait for her to return home.
"OK,,," she said, "But I wont be home until 3!"

I got her address and went to Sudbury by bike and found the house. As I sat on her steps all afternoon the phone rang inside. I counted 47 calls in the time from when I first arrived. Maybe the same callers or no one interested in the bile at all.

The women finally arrived as she said she would a little early. She told me that she didn't want to keep me waiting any longer.
When she rolled the bike out, it had no fenders. She noticed that I was a little surprised and said, "Would you like the fenders?
"Yes, that would be Great!" She said" I also have some printed things that come along with the bike." I said, "GREAT!"

Below is the printed material that she gave me along with the bike. The letter is from the second owner to the third. I am the fourth.
The bicycle remains in my collection today. It has K series hubs that are rod pulled drum brakes, 28"wheels, as seen in the photo of the catalog. The bicycle was purchased in 1934 in Boston and is one of the first Raleigh's to be imported by Raleigh of America into this country and as Im sure you can imagine, a dream to ride!

Here is what the letter says:

Frank W Warren
546 South Street
Murray Hill, NJ.

March 28th, 19
Dear Kiko;

I am pleased
that the Raleigh arrived in good
shape and that you like it.
For several years it was
my most prized possession
and I never could persuade
myself to sell it even though
it was a nuisance to keep
in the garage. Once I did advertise it
For sale and an unpleasant
character came to look at it.
he tried to talk me down on the
price by making disparaging
remarks and I ended the conversation
by telling him it was obvious he
knew nothing about bicycles and
suggested he go to Sears Roebuck
for their junk.

I bought it about 1942
from a youth in Milton, Mass, who
was going into the Army and it was
a tearful transaction. The bike
was evidently the apple of his eye

flip side>

and his mother made me promise
to sell it back if her son returned.
I had to leave my address and
make the promise. For several years
Janey, Bill, and I traveled on bikes
into the surrounding country,
often trailed by five or six of their
pals. Janey was pretty young but
we always got back.
That saddle you find
uncomfortable is a Brooks
saddle- the best. I would suggest
you get some saddle soap or
leather polish; it is probably
somewhat brittle after twelve years
in the garage.Also you might be a
trifle soft for road work on a bike.

Enclosed are a few pamphlets
describing Raleigh parts. The bike
ought to be in good mechanical order
but you must oil it.Never shift
gears while pedaling; just coast
while making the shift. Its easy to do.
I doubt if the tires will last very long.
Once you get it cleaned up, it is easy to
keep clean if you just use auto polish on
the chrome.

We are planning to go to
Stamford on Good Friday and hope
to see you.
Love to Juliang and Janey

Monday, November 23, 2015

Thanksgiving Fox Hunt

For years now. we have assembled a small group to go watch the Norfolk Hunt Club's Fox Hunt.
They never hunt or kill a real fox, but instead follow a dragged scent. The view of Horses and Hounds out in the field with the morning Autumn air is always a great way to start Thanksgiving.
The weather for the day looks perfect. Sunny and in the 50's
We will be meeting at the start on North St in Medfield Ma. Easy to find, look for the horse trailers south of Medfield Center on the road to Dover.
We hope to see you there.

Here are some photos from Thanksgiving 2015